
General Health Speaking Course for Iranian Nurses

Well-being is my favorite topic. Everyone knows that we humans can achieve nothing if health is absent in our lives. In my *General Health Speaking Course*, we talk about these topics:

Social Health

Mental Health

Physical Health

Financial Health

Emotional Health

Intellectual Health

Environmental Health

Spiritual and Occupational Health

*General Health* is an eigh-session (45 minutes each) course that helps improve your English speaking skills.


Happiness Speaking Course for Iranian Nurses

Some people believe that the ultimate purpose of life is to be happy. I agree with them!

Happiness (Speaking) Course is a six-hour course in eight sessions that helps intermediate (and upper-intermediate) learners practice what they’ve learned so far and add more to their knowledge and skills.

Here are the main topics of each session:

1. What is happiness?

2. What helps you feel happy?

3. Comedy movies/books

4. How to help others feel happy

5. The effects of happiness on our body

6. A few articles about happiness

7. Let’s discuss some quotes about happiness!

8. What can you do to be happier from now on?

Please text or call 920 930 24 28 for more information!